Friday, January 13, 2012

Second week of school

Hi & assalamualaikum. Sorry for my previous post. Too short and too boring I guessed? Like I said, I'm running out of time, so.. jadi lah macam tu. So far, everything in school runs smoothly. I mean not lah that smooth. I've got lots of problem, tapi nak buat macam mana kan.. Its life.

Like what I've been telling you guys, life as a form 3 student is so tough. Idk why :\ Everything seems like.. haih. The subjects that almost killing me right now are Mathematics and Science. The others, insya Allah still okay.  This week we've been busy with the koko's stuff. I mean the mesyuarat agung, yknow.

 So I'm joining PBSM, Science & Maths and Badminton. Just like my previous year :> But, this year need to active lah. Fyi, I think kan last year perjumpaan PBSM tu I pernah attend less than 10 times je. Entah entah less than 8. Teruk tak? Hahaha. Well, that's me ;) 

So they have this one new rule this year, which is everyone has that kad koko, and we need to bring it every time we attend the perjumpaan. That thing I don't really mind, tapi apa yg merunsingkan fikiran sekarang ni ialah dekat kad koko tu they had put the column untuk latihan rumah sukan! 

And the teachers need to sign that column, of course. But how lah how? I swear I'm not gonna attend the latihan rumah sukan! But.. Takkan nanti column tu kosong je? Ugh. One problem just popped out. And.. This weekend I need to buy the PBSM's t-shirt. Haih, money money money.

These days we 3 Gemilang have been busy with our class. Including today, dah 3 hari balik lambat. We're painting our class! But today lah yang paling lambat balik sbb tak ramai yg stay back hari ni. So now our class is green! Awh, our hard work :")  

Last but not least, I'd like to say something. Since I've deleted my previous post, so I would to say thank you so much @FarishaIsmail for the lovely souvenir from Paris