Wednesday, January 18, 2012

18th January, Important Date..

Hi and assalamualaikum. 5 days missing. Sorry blog, cause I've been busy with school's stuffs and etc. So, my time for internet is limited :( My friend requests also.. tersadai. Alah biarlah, malas nak layan hohoho >:) But pity you blog, dah berhabuk sana sini..

Em actually, I don't have enough time.. And this post would be just a short post only. Sorry for that :-) Yeah, tak tahu kenapa. Life as a form 3 student, 2012.. Is so tough, you know. Idk why :/ I just hope that I can go through all this, insya-Allah.

So lastly, I'd like to say something for two important persons in my life;

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to mumy and Amirah..
Happy birthday to you!

Happy Birthday, mum! May Allah bless you. Semoga akan dipanjangkan umur serta dimurahkan rezeki selalu :') You're the one, my only  ..

Happy Birthday, dear my best friend Amirah bt. Abdullah. Semoga kau ceria selalu dan semoga kita sama-sama dapat 8A nanti. Insya-Allah, soon baby soon! And do remember, our friendship are forever. I you :')