Friday, January 27, 2012

I'm letting you go..

Hi. First of all, I just wanna tell that I'm updating this post using my sista's laptop. And you know what? Her laptop's sucks. Hahaha. But please, don't tell her. This is the secret between us okay ;) But serious, laptop dia ni dah tahap nazak. Asyik off sendiri je, masalah apa pun taktauu.

So.. Alhamdulillah. My homework is done, eventho there are blank spaces somewhere. My school's attires, ironed. Oh what a happy life! I can watch AJL peacefully ahad nanti :p Hikhikhik. So.. Yesterday I went to tuition. And I've made new friend! Yeay, congrats for me ^^

Today is.. 27th. And its means that January 2012.. is about to end. Dear clock, why did you tick too fast? Why? :( Saya tak sanggup.. Hmm. But I just need to accept the fact kan.. Clock's ticking, every single second. Unless kalau battery dah habis lah kan. Lol.

Hey you know what, Karangkraf's book fair started yesterday. Oh how I really wish I can go! Do pray for me ya? Hehe. And by the way, I'm so unsatisfied. Why do we, the secondary students did not get the RM200's book coupons? Why? This is so unfair :/

So.. I'm ending this post here. Still hoping that I can go to the Karangkraf's book fair. Hehe. Oh btw, happy weekends ya. Enjoy your last two days of your holiday. Do get ready with your school's stuffs, especially your homework(s). Farewell, assalamualaikum.