Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year!

Salam & hi guys. I've been missing my blog. Rindu nak merepek macam dulu lagi. Last Saturday I've been to village on my dad's side. My mak usu buat kenduri naik rumah baru. She built house in front of my grandma's house. And now my grandma's house sangat kecik. I went home back last night, and we arrived about 12am. 

So last Thursday the form 4's students got their result for sbp/mrsm kan? Congrats! Farewell.. I bet now diorang mesti busy buat preparation. So what I can say, just jangan lupa dekat your juniors sini eh :) Especially @FarishaIsmail. Waa sedihnya lepas ni dah tak nampak kak sha dah :'/

So.. If you guys really read my blog, you would know that I have a crush. Yes, crush. And.. he's going away. Congrats ey? Its okay, just.. one thing. Don't forget me, tau? :'( Well, I'll pray for your success.. I hope you enjoy your new school :>

Err.. wait. Does the content of this post related to the post tittle? Okay, I'm sorry! Padah dah syok sendiri memang macamni. Hmm.. Tajuk post tu pun bidan terjun je sebenarnya. So erm, my last words. Happy CNY, and happy holiday too! ;)