Saturday, February 11, 2012


Hi and salam. Ya I missed blog so much. Internet and stuffs. Well since I'm a form 3 student, my parents have been strict to me. No internet on weekdays! Kalau online sekali je dalam weekdays pun rasanya dah boleh pecah gegendang telinga ni.. You know what I mean kan.

Firstly I knew its still not too late, to wish Salam Maulidur Rasul & Thaipusam right? My school baru je buat Sambutan Maulidur Rasul yesterday. So what have you done/where did you went in the two days of holiday? Me? Nothing. Nowhere.

This week have been really tough to me. Seriously. I've been crying for two days! Everything seems too cruel to me. And I don't know why. But I need to move on. I know that I'm strong enough to face all this :') Insya Allah everything would be fine.

So.. My projek kayu is 30% done. Yeay! Folio KH I guessed haritu dah siap, and kerja kayu still in progress. Thanked god that my kayu is not senget and did not damaged too much. Alhamdulillah. Unlike my two previous years, my kerja kayu turned out bad. Haha.

Hmm.. So I guess I'll end here. Too tired to talk too much. Hope that I'll be fine day by day. No more tears, hopefully. So.. Last thing. I just created twitter, and I hope that you don't mind to follow me. @AqilaAdenan. Thanks! Till we meet again, bye :')