Wednesday, December 21, 2011

10 Months.. Starting from now!

Salam.. hi. I dun wanna talk about today. And i knew, nobody cares. Oh thank you for that. There's just one thing playing in my mind.. And i couldn't get rid of it! All I am thinking about is.. PMR. The preparation, the examination, the result. YA ALLAH.. ;/

Tmrw is the day.. for all 96's that struggled hard. I just wanna wish you the best of luck!  Insya-Allah 8A's okay? Next year.. it would be for us. All 97's. YA ALLAH i'm so scared, all i think is just about my parents. I wanna them to be proud of me!

Kalau dulu bila org tanya upsr dapat berapa boleh la jawab 5A, alhamdulillah. Tapi next year bila orang tanya pmr berapa, mampukah aku untuk menggalas 8A itu? YA ALLAH.. Aku takut, sungguh. Boleh berderai air mata kalau fikir hal ni ='(

Esok, result keluar utk batch 2011. Entah kenapa, aku yg risau bukan kepalang. YA ALLAH tenanglah dikau wahai hati, belum sampai masa mu lagi. Haihh. Segala rasa semua ada, walaupun tak ambik pmr lagi. YA ALLAH, petanda apakah ini?

Aku berharap.. agar semuanya baik baik saja. 8A's, insyaAllah! For every person I knew, taking pmr this year or another upcoming year. KRK Gemilang & Cemerlang, goodluck okay? Wish you guys the best! Tak lupa juga kepada crush dan ex-crush, sahabat dan musuh, kesayangan dan yg dlm kerinduan. *Cehh ayat!
 Please. I couldn't deal with people yg "alah upsr je pun", "eh pmr tak bawa ke mana pun weh" and such on. Eh hello, don't you know how important the result to us? Lagipun kau bajet duduk dalam hutan ke takde sape yg akan tanya result kau? Kau takde maruah eh? Oh come on, think wisely lah *flips pashmina*